Monday, August 17, 2009


What is Risk?

Risk is the probability that a hazard will turn into a disaster. Vulnerability and hazards are not dangerous, taken separately. But if they come together, they become a risk or, in other words, the probability that a disaster will happen.

Risk is defined as "The possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger." Even if we're not familiar with the formal definition, most of us have an innate sense of risk. We are aware of the potential dangers that permeate even simple daily activities, from getting injured when crossing the street to having a heart attack because our cholesterol level is too high. Although we prefer not to dwell on the myriad of hazards that surround us, these risks shape many of our behaviors. Experience (or a parent) has taught us to look both ways before stepping off the curb and most of us at least think twice before ordering a steak. Indeed, we manage personal risks every day.

Identify at least 5 software risk

  • Technology Risk
  • People Risk

4. You are asked by your manager to deliver software to a schedule which you know can only be met by asking your project team to work unpaid overtime. All team members have young children. Discuss whether you should accept this demand from your manager or whether you should persuade your team to give their time to the organisation rather that thier families. What factors might be significant in your decision?

= It's depend upon how my team is capable in holding a responsibilities and how they balance their time between their works and family and their eagerness in the project and of course can afford in the expenses.In these case if they all have these factors then,theres no problem in accepting this demand.

5. As an IT student that has been trained for Java Programming, you are offered a home based job as a project manager for a certain software project, but you feel that you can make more effective contribution in a technical specifically doing progamming module using Java for the project rather than a managerial role. Discuss whether you should accept the job

= I will accept the job because

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